Jeamie Hendrickx

Jeamie Hendrickx

Tuinarchitect Jeamie Hendrickx
Molenstraat 34
2960 Brecht

I try to create their own oasis of greenery for each client so they can unwind in these hurried and busy times. Making people enjoy the small happiness back when they see butterflies soaring or birds reviving the garden. This can range from transforming a small urban garden into a green oasis to creating a flawless transition to nature in a rural setting.

Everything starts with a listening ear and a creative idea in which I try to bring the garden into harmony with the house and its surroundings. If I can ensure that my clients can enjoy carefree relaxation in their gardens, I am satisfied with the results in a sustainable way.

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Luxury furniture in a spacious garden ,Achtertuin, Erf, Buiten, Potplant, Tuin, Vegetatie, Gras, Planter, Boom, Bloem, Luxe, Design, Exclusief, Modern, Maatwerk, Bijzondere, Mooie
Jeamie Hendrickx
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