Rainforest Lighting

Rainforest Lighting

Rainforest Lighting
“Uw tuin in een ander daglicht”
Deltazijde 32d
1261 ZM Blaricum

Your garden comes alive day and night

When darkness falls, Rainforest Lighting’s gardens come alive. From Aarlanderveen to Huizen and from Knokke-Heist to Woerden.Light architect Lars Mallant and his team have placed many private and corporate gardens in a different light in recent years. With his creativity and ingenuity, Mallant took garden and landscape lighting to the next level.

This is specifically reflected in the way we work. Our approach is inspired by nature and particularly the rainforest. In the rainforest, the light below is refracted by trees, branches and leaves. This makes the light surprising, soft and shadowy.

We achieve this natural and atmospheric light using durable LED artificial light in every garden. Only high-quality materials are used that have as little impact on nature as possible.

And in style with our name, each year we support at least one World Wide Fund Project for rainforest conservation. Our concept works for any garden, regardless of style and size. With our unique approach, we make every garden come alive day and night. The living space from inside to outside is increased and you no longer look into a “dark hole,” increasing the sense of security. Using a lighting demonstration, we will show you in advance what the effect of Rainforest Lighting will be in your garden.

You will be surprised! Send us an email or give us a call if you are curious about how we create added value with light. Your garden in a different light. We make it possible.

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Beautiful open green garden, luxurious outdoor lighting ,Boom, Plant, Vegetatie, Natuur, Buitenshuis, Bos, Land, Grove, Weg, Boomstam, Luxe, Design, Exclusief, Modern, Maatwerk, Bijzondere, Mooie
Rainforest Lighting
Modern villa with panoramic outdoor lighting
Attractive outdoor landscape lighting,Natuur, Buitenshuis, Huisvesting, Gebouw, Boom, Plant, Platteland, Huis, Spar, Schuilplaats, Luxe, Design, Exclusief, Modern, Maatwerk, Bijzondere, Mooie
Rainforest Lighting
North Holland villa with attractive landscape exterior lighting
Luxury furniture in a spacious garden ,Natuur, Buitenshuis, Nacht, Maan, De Ruimte, Astronomie, Volle Maan, Boom, Lantaarnpaal, Verlichting, Luxe, Design, Exclusief, Modern, Maatwerk, Bijzondere, Mooie
Rainforest Lighting
Modern villa with unique outdoor lighting
Luxuriously illuminated landscape garden near a modern villa,Asfalt, Weg, Boom, Plant, Gebouw, Stedelijk, Pad, Buitenshuis, Loopbrug, Huisvesting, Luxe, Design, Exclusief, Modern, Maatwerk, Bijzondere, Mooie
Rainforest Lighting
Brabant high-end residential farmhouse with insanely lit landscaped garden
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